Might the second chapter get unlocked now, or subscriptions resumed so I can access it?

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I keep meaning to deal with this. Sorry it's taking so long.

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I get sad when I log into my Permanently Suspended / Dead Twitter account that still allows me to peruse & view postings...and AliceFrom has turned her acct to Private 😢 I look forward to manually typing in Wes Yang, Sullydish, GlennGreenwald, AnnCoulter, and many other varied but opinionated accts. I gathered your Anonnym status was possibly* required due to harassment, so I understand🙏🏼 Your views are valued, and if this Sub gets going again, I may need to subscribe. You are 💯 on the Ghosts of Snake Island™️, but I gather you know that. Miss Yooouu !!

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UPDATE ! 😂 Still manually typing in my Go-To™️ Tweeters, and I put in my usual "AliceFrom.." The pin was an Amber Heard "mantra" post, and I agreed heartily....scrolled thru many many short responses, which was different! but not outside the realms of possibility. But I noticed they were responses to sexxy lesbians (words of encouragement) again, within The Realms.....but I was not getting the deep yet nuanced takes that bounce from Finance to Politics To Pop Culture et aux...then I checked. I had inadvertantly clicked "Alice From Wonderland" and now it all made sense. It wasn't bad ! She has her stuff !!! But it was not The Queen 🤷🏻‍♂️ .

Curious if anyone else has done this ? Maybe even mis-imagining that you did a post about this previously ?

Working up courage to ask Elon for my account back, and simultaneously, thinking that "responding" every 4-8 months is what God has determined is sufficient 😂

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A bit of a sexist remark "... like a divorced dad spewing presents on his way out.

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A metaphor isn't a remark!

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Holy crap, I need to know what happens next!

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Did the rest of chapter 2 drop? I am a subscriber, but have not seen anything.

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Sorry about the delay. I overpromised. But an entire 2nd chapter will appear in the next few days

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Love it

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Excellent start. You're in the driver's seat now but make sure you have a contingency plan to put at least a lite version of whatever it is you're planning immediately into effect in case someone else gets there first and changes the world overnight.

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How are subs going so far? Above or below expectations?

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Above my expectations but others say it wasn't surprising

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I thought it was a Howard Stern thing, the name.

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Alice in Wonderland never occurred to me. My first thought was of Alice Kramden, although I think they lived in Brooklyn. I hope Alice from Queens has a better life than she.

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I thought of Alice's Diner

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This is the first substack I've ever paid for. No pressure! Looking forward to reading more about your experience in private tutoring/college essay "help" - I did this for years during my PhD and the money was good but it was also so depressing and I feel like the importance of the college essay in the US compared to the UK (maybe also science vs. humanities) makes this even worse.

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Yes once I've got a few more chapter out on the Alice Origins essay I'll start that one. It's going be a blast

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but very glad you subscribed!

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Bubbele why is Chap 2 cut off mid sentence with an imprecation to subscribe now when the site shows I'm signed in and have subscribed already? Or, rather, why questions are a bad idea, I tell spouse and offspring this all the time--so let me rephrase. The aforementioned is the case and I wonder if it can be solved.

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Congrats. I'm mired in the 70pp mss of a friend, which is either (I can't tell yet) entirely misconceived or just very very slow coming together. I've put if off for weeks. But I'm looking forward to this. PS Why don't you tell them all who Alice really is? I read a great piece somewhere in the last few months about H. visiting her in some spa type village and daily stopping by to sit with... whom? RLS prior to Tahiti? Now I can't remember. Someone I admire. Oh the old age /brain thing. PPS in the 90s when you promised a piece and didn't deliver it you had voicemail--actual answering machines--to hide behind. "Vince--I know you're there..." etc.

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PPPS I don't think it WAS RLS. Someone I admire even more. Why would I forget this? It was a great piece... probably LRB.

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Okay I started it. Addressing the very question I do above! "Therapist and Mormon youth counselor" is a highlight in any man's book. Probably woman's too. Nonbinaries as well.

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Okay now I'm caught up in reading it. My old-school instincts are that you shouldn't be giving this away and you need an agent. Then I remember it's substack and no publisher will come close to paying you what you can make here from this--theoretically. You're the test case, baby. You own all the rights. Paperback film Russian translation... (My novel just sold to a Russian publisher for $2000 so I'm very big on them... I'm expecting a postcard from Putin when it comes out over there. Did I make America look bad enough for you, Volodya?) So good luck. If the publishing reporter at the Times were quick-witted they'd be covering you.

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But it's like writing a novel for a monthly. You gotta stay on top of the installments. No more fucking around... We're all counting on you. Like every serious writer in America, except those with tenure.

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Isn't that alluded to in the about page? "Midd"

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Yes I didn't make clear enough what was going on there. the entirety of Part 2 has yet to drop. it will be available to subscribers later today. What I did was a lame attempt to entice ppl who are not subscribers to subscribe and managed to confuse everyone. I'm actually REALLY into the second chapter. Did not mean to suggest it got boring! Just that it's upcoming for those who pay the piper

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“Subscribe now” . . . I already did.

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thank you so much!

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I think ole Dave might be pointing out the problem I mention above...

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nothing I can do about that. If I want the subscribe now button there for nonsubscribers subscribers need to see it. I know it's annoying

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Right but why can the subscriber then not finish reading the piece?

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Thus being made to feel, after shelling out the fiver, that they are still among the unwashed and the unenlightened?

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I'm also having trouble figuring out how to read the rest as a subscriber. And links in the email I got after subscribing all say I don't have access and to sign in with a different email, despite them sending my confirmation to that email lol.

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This is dogshit

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maybe stop by again in a week or two when there's more than one (1) piece up?

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Are we gonna get to the "BM" moment?

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say what?

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I don't want to spoil it but your typo'd tweet that went viral?

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dont remember it...

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My BMs are open. I'm sure you remember it. It wasn't a typo.

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Ah... wow we're going way back. The reason I didn't remember is Karl is right. there was no typo. that was a pun. And Sarah Silverman stole it for a much lamer tweet shortly afterwards

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